Ten things that make me feel better.

Hello, I took a small break on my blog for two reasons. One was I wanted to write more about the juices that my boyfriend and I make but we haven’t tried anything new lately. Another reason was I haven’t been feeling up to do it. My mental health plays a huge role in how often I write. I tend to have ideas to write about but cannot bring myself to actually do it.

Making excuses for why I haven’t written anything isn’t what I wanted from this post. So instead of writing about what happened and why, I’m going to write about how to heal and move forward in life.

10 activities that make me feel better:

  1. Talk to a therapist – getting professional help is the best way to do this. Getting one hour of time to talk can really help and you can learn different coping skills. You may learn new things about yourself!
  2. Remind yourself that just because you feel this way now, doesn’t mean this defines you. If depression or anxiety is what you are dealing with then reminding yourself of this can truly help even if its just a little bit. Knowing you are more than this struggle will help lift you.
  3. Exercise – Believe it or not but exercising has been proven to raise endorphins, take your mind off of worries, gain confidence, and can help you with social interactions.
  4. Diet – Cooking and planning your own meals will help your mental health because not only do you get the satisfaction of planning and cooking your own meals, you also tend to eat healthier. Cooking also helps distract you so you can forget your worries for a short time period. Avoiding unhealthy fast food can help as well.
  5. Distract yourself – One wonderful thing my therapist taught me was to find a new hobby or watch something that truly interests you. If you can distract yourself it can help you heal.
  6. Journal – Writing your feelings down gives you a relief. Remember that the more often you hold your feelings in, the worse it can be. Even if no one knows what’s going on,  you can feel better by letting those feelings out.
  7. Hang out with animals – Dogs have a great sense of understanding emotions. It’s proven that they can help decrease anxiety, increase comfort and safety, reduce loneliness, improve self esteem, improve confidence, increases social activity, and decreases behavioral issues (if trained correctly). Plus, you’ll have a wonderful and loyal friend.
  8. Crying – Crying helps release emotions and the stigma of “crying makes you weak” is 100% wrong. Crying helps push these feelings away. Crying alone can help but if you have someone you trust enough to cry around that can help as well.
  9. Meditate – This doesn’t help everyone but for some it is a great way to clear your mind and help you focus. It helps with stress because you can focus on either your body or your happy place.
  10. Write down your favorite qualities of yourself – Focus on what you love about yourself. By doing this you can see that there are good things about yourself and it can definitely be a mood booster. 

I hope that this helps someone in need. Most of what I wrote is based off personal experience but I did look up a couple of things.




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